Stereotype 1:
This advertisement for a childrens 10 ps Cleaning Trolley with Working Vacuum. This ad shows a large gender stereotype as it shows only a little girl using the product which portrays a message that only women or girls can play with cleaning toys or actually clean. It teaches girls from a young age that cleaning is a job for women only and that boys don't clean. The company for the toy could've easily used a boy and a girl for the ad but instead targeted it to young girls who know think that cleaning is their job.
Stereotype 2:
In this advertisement, we see a middle aged male standing in an office in the center of two rows of African-American men all dressed in runner clothes and in position to run a 100m race. This ad portrays stereotyping on many,many levels. Firstly, it is a racial stereotype as it has aw hite man standing over black workers, this can reference to the days of slavery whent the master was always white and his skaves always black. Also, the fact that the workers are about to take off in a race, could be deemed that all black men can do is run fast, and cannot run a company, therefore the white man is needed to manage them as he is 'smarter.' Overall, this ad is stereotypical on many levels including race, class and many more.
Stereotype #3
In the third ad, (located at top) we see a family on the lawn posed in an al ost perfect manner. The family is made to look or portray 'America's perfect family' The mother stands with the daughter tucked under her arm as they watch the father push his son in a wheelbarrow. This is stereotypical as it shows that only noys can play in wheelbarrows not girls, and also it shows that women don't usually do the garden work as it is a mans job.